
Stimulates oxytocin

release in the brain,

which in turn induces

milk let down

Only practical tool

to identify clinical

mastitis during



Pre milking disinfection reduces:

• Amount of bacteria on the teat skin

• Chance of germs from entering the   udder

• Bacterial presence in the bulk tank

Key points during application:


· Allow 20 to 30 sec of action


• Min. coverage: 75% of the teat


• Wipes off pre-dip removing dirtiness and germs

• Dries and cleans the teat prior to unit attachment

Key point during application:


· One individual clean and dry towel per cow


• Teat totally clean, especially teat end

Unit attachment

Clean, dry and milk-ballooned teats (appropriate stimulation time: 60-90 sec)

There should be immediate milk flow

Milking unit should

be straight and

balanced during unit attachment and during milking air entrance should be





Normally after milking, teat end will be relaxed for the next 20 minutes. During this period, post-dipping will be the only defense of the udder against mastitis causing germs

Offering fresh feed after milking prevents cows from laying down, and allows the product to reach its protective action before cows are exposed to sources of contamination in the pen

Developed by Humberto Rivera, MS., supported by the program “A Mexican-U.S. Dairyland Partnership Between Queretaro and Wisconsin: Dairy Training Research, and Extension for Economic Development and Trade”.